Data Visualization - Basics

Following up on the information presented in the post “Descriptive Statistics”, below, we will know the most basic ways to visualize the data or information to be analyzed. Specifically: Pie chart Line chart Treemap & Subburst Histograms & Bar charts Density plot Boxplots Violin plots Scatter plots Pareto chart Note: All the examples (except for the line graphs due to its features) are based on the train.csv dataset file, which is a subset of 891 representative individuals of the population of the Titanic used for the training of models of Machine Learning. [Read More]

Descriptive Statistics

As a starting point in data analysis, it is necessary to know some mathematical and statistical foundations in order to work with the information to be analyzed. Thus, we will start learning some basic concepts: Population, Samples, Individuals and Variables: Population: The set of all the elements under study Sample: A subset of elements of the population (it should be representative of the population) Individuals: Every individual element in the popularion Variables: Characteristics of the individuals Example: Titanic Dataset [Read More]

Starting up

The purpose of this blog is to carry out a personal R & D work focused on the world of data science. Research focused on the study and learning in the data analysis, its tools and application areas and tools and, Development putting into practice the different concepts studied or analyzed with two goals: Learn and strengthen the knowledge Share such knowledge and references in case they might be of interest to anyone who could consult them. [Read More]